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Groups & Spaces

Founder's Testimony

I see that the foundation for Tripute is, as of the date of this testimony, complete. Yet, I do not know if Tripute is what I think it is; I don't even know if it is what it is portrayed to be. I do not know if it makes sense to people, nor that it is attracting the attention of the people who would make the most sense out of it. And the biggest 'I do not know' is the method-less, structure-less approach Tripute supposedly embodies.

My current view is that Tripute is a manifestation that started with self exploration and inquiry, involving mainly myself and others, directly and indirectly. Now Tripute and its spaces might lose relevance to what they are documented to be, so then and there, they are to be updated in documentation and in practice. And in the case they lose all relevance, then Tripute and all its spaces will be taken down due to the commitment to not add to the chaos of our shared living.

The spaces that came through Tripute simply worked and are still working for me and so I commit to bring them to you while refining, or purifying, them to myself and to whoever is present as well.

So much has been put into this. It involved many individuals, many emotions, many words, many acts of generosity, and thankfully, not as many conflicts, fights, and disagreements. I am grateful to everyone and everything that made this into a reality.
14th of February 2024