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Holistic Dialogue


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Holistic Dialogue (HD) is a space for individual & collective inquiry and exploration, transcending our psychological/ societal structures in real-time based on no past knowledge.

Elementary Description

Holistic Dialogue (HD) is a type of conversation that goes beyond the everyday particular mind to discover and uncover whatever needs to be addressed at this point in time, which could range from the dynamic of interpersonal relationships, the communication of real world problems and the exploration of areas beyond human conflict, such as creativity and the evolution of man. This is not a discussion or a debate, but it is an ever-changing form of communication and learning that is new to most of us - and it is factually new every time in its undertaking, which gives it the potential for transforming our consciousness and pattern-making habits.

At some points during an HD, potential harmony could be recognized as therapeutic and evolutionary by the participants, yet the dialogue is not limited to that nor does it aim for it. It is an ever-moving process that goes beyond any expectation and assumed need of the individual and the group. Holistic Dialogue is a way of approaching learning anew every time.

If this was enough to spark an intention to participate jump to the last section Now What?, Otherwise continue for a deeper look into HD.

Dialogue vs Coaching vs Counseling

In a nutshell, Coaching and Counseling concern themselves with organizing consciousness as the individual has it, while HD concerns itself with the total understanding of consciousness and beyond, if there is such a thing.


Counseling concerns itself with the content of the past and, consequently, the future, and co-living in our environments with peace and no conflict.


Coaching, on the other hand, concerns itself mainly with the content of the future, sometimes delving into the past to clear any limiting beliefs in order to achieve what is desired and make progress.


HD does not concern itself with the content of the past or the future per se but with understanding the nature of that content as a whole and the movement of the same within an individual and a group.

Beyond the non-binding definition at the top of the page lies nothing but speculation and interpretation of what one sees in the here and now; all that is open for a fundamentally fresh look in an HD. Because whatever is present with me/us could be nothing more than the past reproducing itself, hence, limited and not the whole.

What makes HD very challenging yet effective is the way it goes about how an individual and, consequently, a group of individuals functions. Namely, through the perception of what is taking place as a whole instead of pure analysis of collected information and data. The reason being, that once one implements knowledge in their own understanding, it becomes a limited structure through which one perceives, regardless of its background, relevance or even flexibility. This undermines an, often overlooked, innate ability to observe, which underlies our conjectures, opinions, conclusions, shared meaning, etc.
HD is to meet each other where we actually are, understanding together what might be standing in the way, which often is if not always our individual separative thinking. Inevitably, listening ends up being a necessity rather than a mere requirement. Then and there, each participant discovers for themselves the quality of holistic action.

Here is an audio introduction to our HD podcast for a different take addressing the same question:

The Why & The What

The Why & The What

Beyond the non-binding definition above lies nothing but speculation and interpretation of what one sees in the here and now; all that is open for a fundamentally fresh look in an HD. Because whatever is present with me/us could be nothing more than the past reproducing itself, hence, limited and not the whole.

What makes HD very challenging yet effective is the way it goes about how an individual and, consequently, a group of individuals functions. Namely, through the perception of what is taking place as a whole instead of pure analysis of collected information and data. The reason being, that once one implements knowledge in their own understanding, it becomes a limited structure through which one perceives, regardless of its background, relevance or even flexibility. This undermines an, often overlooked, innate ability to observe, which underlies our conjectures, opinions, conclusions, shared meaning, etc.

HD is to meet each other where we actually are, understanding together what might be standing in the way, which often is if not always our individual separative thinking. Inevitably, listening ends up being a necessity rather than a mere requirement. Then and there, each participant discovers for themselves the quality of holistic action.

Here is an audio introduction to our HD podcast for a different take addressing the same question:

What About the How?

One of the things that makes HD different is the deep understanding of thought and thinking through language. Traditionally we overlook the fact that we live our lives through the dominant thought process, so we do not question and inquire into it. Our conditioning is all there, expressed in thought. So the lack of this foundational understanding hinders and breaks down the dialogue, communication and the flow of living. Thus, the HD facilitator's job is to help people understand what's happening and what might need to be looked at more closely. Having said that, the facilitator's role is not fixed, as an HD is not run by concrete roles.
Your Facilitator
  • Holistic Dialogue & Meditation Facilitator | Artist | Consultant

Generic Procedure

To Discover

The common ground between the group members.
To Explore

To explore the limitation of our current communication and, potentially, go beyond it.

To Understand

To understand the process of thinking and thought and how limiting it can be in relationship and creative work.

To Go Into & Unpack

The impact of listening in the here-and-now rather than reflecting on theories or deriving meaning from previous experiences.

To See

What happens when listening is its own action.

Now What?

We have HD groups to participate in, books and articles to read and podcasts to watch and listen to. Some of these options are paid while most are free.

HD Groups

We offer both contextual and non-contextual spaces. Paid, free and donation based, listed in an ascending order based on group name.
The video options are available on Youtube and Spotify
Our books are offered in a paperback and E-book formats through many outlets across many countries

Selected Group Holistic Dialogues


Frequently Asked Questions